Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Lemon & Thyme Chicken with Roasted Country Vegetables (檸檬百里香燒雞配鄉村式烤菜)

I have got some old magazines and find the recipe of lemon and thyme chicken.  I have never used fresh thyme in my cooking so I am taking an experience with it.  My son takes out the sprigs of thyme from the roast pan in the oven as soon as he smells something strange.  He demands that he will not have dinner if "that thing" is cooking with the chicken.  Once when the chicken is cooked, I sprinkle some roasted thyme onto the chicken and vegetable. (except my son's dish)  The strange smell of fresh thyme has gone and I can hardly taste anything unpleasant.  Everyone enjoys the dinner and it does not end up as a disaster.  The original recipe uses chicken maryland and I substitute it with chicken drumstick.

Lemon & Thyme Chicken with Roasted Country Vegetables

Serve 4
5 chicken drumsticks
clove of garlic, finely chopped
juice of 1/2 lemon
4 sprigs of thyme
3 potato
1 medium sweet potato
1 small cut pumpkin
salt and pepper


  1. Preheat oven to 200C.  Wash the chicken drumsticks and lay them onto the roast pan.
  2. Peel the skin from potato and sweet potato and chopped into 2cmx2cm cube size of chuck.  Chop off the skin from the pumpkin and cut into the same size as the potato.
  3. Arrange the vegetable around the chicken and squeeze in lemon juice over the chicken. If you want more lemony flavour, add in 1 teaspoon of lemon rind.  Season the chicken and vegetable with garlic, 2 teaspoons of salt, little pepper and 2 tablespoon of oil. (If you like buttery flavour, substitute the oil with butter) Put the sprigs of thyme over the chicken and roast for 1 hour or until the chicken and vegetable are cooked.  In my case, take the thyme out from the oven after 30 minutes.  Rotate the chicken and vegetable 2 or 3 times.
  4. Trim the end bit of the beans and cut it in half.  Cook or steam the beans with salted water until cooked.  Serve it with the chicken and roast vegetable.


南瓜 1/4 個

  1. 焗爐预熱 200c.  把洗乾淨的雞腿排好在烤盤。
  2. 馬鈴薯和番薯削皮,切 2cmx2cm 大粒。南瓜切皮,切同状。
  3. 把薯仔,南瓜配好雞腿週圍。榨檸檬汁於雞腿,如想檸檬味更燶,可加少許檸檬皮。然後加入蒜頭、鹽、胡椒粉和少許油。(可以用牛油代替菜油增加香味) 最後加上百里香焗 1小時 或直致雞全熟,焗時反轉雞和菜數次。
  4. 把菜豆切去頭尾,再切一半。蒸熟。配雞和鄉村烤菜一同吃。

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